Projects Management
Advanced Contract Management

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Advanced Contract Management Course
Effective contract management is essential for organizations to efficiently utilize significant financial resources and assets. It involves the creation and management of formal agreements with suppliers of goods and services. Successful contract management requires a thorough understanding of business requirements and organizational needs, as well as staying current with contracting practices and trends.
Course Objectives:
Participants attending the program will:
- How to be more effective in contract management activities
- Appropriate type and form of contracts for different situations
- How to anticipate problems and manage risks
- How to integrate project management with contract needs
- Best means of handling disputes and performance issues
- How to establish terms and conditions for different situations
- The latest advances in contract management
Who Should Attend?
- Engineering
- Project
- Construction
- Tenders
- Contracts
- Buyers
- Purchasing
- Financial personnel
- Those new to the function, preparing for a major project, or experienced managers looking for a refresher
Course Outlines:
- Principles of Good Contracting
- Overview of Tendering & Contract Award Process
- Key Steps in the creation of a Contract
- Essential Elements of a Valid Contract
- Other Types of Obligation Documents
- When to Obtain Legal Advice
- Law of Agency
- Organizing Strategies for Contract Management
- Defining Contract Management Responsibilities
- Planning for Contract Life Cycles
- Work Plan Best Practices
- Basic contract planning
- Communication
- Improving Contract Management
- Essential elements of contract management
- Contract Startup Techniques and Tools
- Incorporating Risk Assessment and Management
- Warranty and Claims Management
- Cost Tracking and Management
- Project Closeout
- Effective Handling of Contract Performance Issues
- Design and Specification
- Work Ordering Process
- Contract Administration
- Reporting Mechanisms
- Cost Control
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Recovery Clauses
- Termination and suspension
- Eliminating Sources of Contract Disputes
- Errors and omissions
- Anticipating and avoiding Conflicts
- Conflict Resolution
- Dealing with Unknowns
- Tracking Changes
- Managing Expectations
- Resolving disputes
- Negotiation
- Litigation
- Arbitration
- Alternative Dispute Resolution – especially mediation
- Understanding and Developing Contract Terms and Conditions
- Finding Contract Templates
- Using standard form documents
- Modifying standard forms
- Drafting special conditions
- Issues for subcontracts
- Case Studies
- Review of different types of contractual strategy and some real problems
- Contracts in the Twenty-First Century
- Strategic Alliance and Partnering Agreements
- Prime Contracting and other Consolidated Sourcing Contracts
- The New Engineering Contract (NEC) and other industry standards
- Online Contracting
- Online dispute resolution
- Supporting E-commerce
- Contract Management Review and Summary
- Course Highlights and Final Observations
- Other Sources of Information