Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals

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Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals Course
As project management practices continue to standardize, the importance of data management is also growing in the oil and gas industry. Companies in this sector gather vast amounts of data, which must be appropriately valued, acquired, stored, managed, and utilized in analysis to fully harness its potential as a valuable enterprise asset.
The advent of Big Data presents a significant challenge in terms of data management. Simply having access to large volumes of data is not enough. Data management is a comprehensive administrative process that encompasses various activities such as acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing the required data. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the data remains accessible, reliable, and timely for its users.
In this course, we cover the complete spectrum of master data management for spatial-geophysical and well data in the oil and gas industry. Participants will gain an understanding of the critical aspects involved in managing this specific type of data. The course delves into topics such as data valuation, acquisition techniques, storage methodologies, data protection measures, and data processing approaches.
By exploring these areas, participants will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage spatial-geophysical and well data. They will learn best practices for maintaining data accessibility, ensuring data reliability, and ensuring that the data is available when needed. By mastering these essential data management techniques, participants will be better equipped to leverage the full potential of data as an invaluable asset in the oil and gas industry.
Join us in this course to gain a comprehensive understanding of master data management for spatial-geophysical and well data. By embracing the importance of data management and learning the best practices in this field, participants will be equipped to navigate the challenges associated with Big Data and optimize the utilization of data as a valuable resource in the oil and gas sector.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Petro Knowledge training course, you will:
- Learn to identify the impact of data governance on the enterprise
- Acquire the knowledge about data vendors and data domains
- Get acquainted with the legal requirements for well identification
- Learn how to prepare and implement the strategies of data security
- Be able to determine data retention schedule
- Identify the legal documents defining the master data management
- Learn how to gather, transform and use the spatial data
- Identify the relations between the master data management and Exploration and Production
Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Petroleum Data Analysts
- Systems analysts
- Programmers
- Data analysts
- Database administrators
- Project leaders
- Software engineers
- Managers
- Any professional involved in Data Analytics
Course Outlines:
Master Data Management
- Data Lifecycle Management
- The data as enterprise asset
- Metadata
- Data retention requirements
- Data governance frameworks
Data Gathering and Data Quality
- Data sources
- Applicable data rules for well identification and classification
- Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) data model
- Data management functions
Geospatial Data
- Geospatial data architecture
- Geospatial data repositories
- Software for geospatial data gathering and analysis
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) related databases
- Geomatics data quality
- Geospatial data storage, analysis and retention
Master Data Management and Referencing in Exploration & Production (E&P)
- Exploration & Production (E&P) terminology
- Master data
- Reference data
- Data warehouse architecture and Business Intelligence
- Business Conceptual Model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Database administration
- Data warehouse administration
Data Management, Risks and Security
- The CIA triad - Confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data
- Data security policy
- Data security standards and procedures
- Data security audit
- Data security on the Cloud
- Interaction between the stakeholders, users, clients and government agencies