Balanced Scorecard Professional (BSP)

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Balanced Scorecard Professional (BSP) Course
Join our Balanced Scorecard Training, centered around the acclaimed Nine Steps to Success framework developed by the Institute. This training places a strong emphasis on shared participant experiences, lessons learned, and best practices.
To enhance your learning experience, we incorporate small-group exercises for each step of the framework, reinforcing the concepts covered in the lectures. These exercises provide practical application opportunities, allowing you to apply the framework in real-world scenarios.
We encourage you to bring your organization's strategic planning material to the training. This enables you to share your specific challenges and receive personalized instructor feedback offline, whenever time permits.
By participating in our Balanced Scorecard Training, you will gain valuable insights, refine your strategic planning skills, and collaborate with fellow participants to optimize your organization's success. Embrace this opportunity to leverage the powerful Nine Steps to Success framework and unlock your organization's full potential.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Balanced Scorecard Professional (BSP) training program, participants will be able to:
- Basic concepts of the Balanced Scorecard and how it can be used to improve your organization's performance
- How the Balanced Scorecard applies to different types of organizations
- How to build and implement a Balanced Scorecard using the Institute's award-winning nine-step methodology
- How to develop meaningful performance measures and targets
- How a scorecard system can drive your performance-informed budget and accountability
- How to get performance information throughout the organization to better-informed decision making through scorecard automation
- How to cascade the scorecard to all levels of an organization
- How to design and implement a scorecard where other frameworks have already been introduced
- How to revise poorly designed scorecard elements
- How to overcome obstacles and real-world challenges
- How to evaluate planning documents and processes
- Understand the key concepts of the Balanced Scorecard, and why it is gaining so much attention in corporate, non-profit, and governmental organizations
- Learn a systematic, nine-step methodology for building and implementing the Balanced Scorecard, based on the performance management theory developed at Harvard University and the Institute’s international Balanced Scorecard consulting experience
Who Should Attend?
This Balanced Scorecard Professional Certification Boot Camp training course is recommended for executives, managers, planners, and analysts who are part of a Balanced Scorecard development team and are seeking the best practical ideas for improving organizational performance.
Course Outlines:
Module 1 - Introduction
(Learning Objectives: Explain the concept and origin of the balanced scorecard; outline course modules; introduce the case studies; introduce participants, and discuss reference material.)
- Introductions, expectations, and participant knowledge
- Workshop objectives
- Balanced scorecard concept and origin
- Agenda, schedule, and logistics references
- Introduction to the examples, case study, small group exercises, performance measurement
- software, and the performance scorecard toolkit
Module 2: Overview of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC): (Learning Objectives: Explain the evolution of measurement and strategic management systems; define terms; list reasons for adopting a balanced scorecard system; identify the six steps needed to build a scorecard system and the three steps needed to implement these systems; identify challenges that need to be overcome; discuss indicators of successful systems; discuss time periods for a scorecard project; contrast the differences and similarities in scorecard systems for different organizations; discuss a typical BSC cycle.)
- Introduction to performance management and measurement
- Definitions
- Balanced scorecard history
- Reasons for undertaking a balanced scorecard project
- Similarities and differences among BSC and other performance systems
- Advantages of using BSC performance systems
- Contrast private sector and public agency use of scorecards
- Key questions the BSC seeks to answer
- Sample BSC performance measures
- The Nine Steps Methodology for building and implementing a balanced scorecard project
- Meeting the challenges of scorecard systems
- Indicators of successful projects
Building the Balanced Scorecard: (Learning Objectives: Identify the six-building steps)
- Using an organization assessment to set vision, mission and strategy,
- Defining strategic themes,
- Choosing perspectives and developing objectives,
- Developing a Strategy Map, Defining performance measures, Developing Initiatives.)
- Using an organizational assessment to set vision, mission, and strategy
- Identify customer groups and develop the Customer Value Proposition
Module 4 Building the Balanced Scorecard (Continued):
- Develop Strategic Themes and Strategic Results
- Develop Strategic Objectives and strategic success drivers
- Strategy mapping develop cause-effect relationships among the objectives
- Derive Strategic Performance Measures, Targets, and Thresholds
Develop Strategic Initiatives Define Criteria for Selecting Initiatives
Module 5: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard: (Learning Objectives: Identify and understand the three implementation steps - Using computers to communicate performance information, Cascading the scorecard throughout the organization, and Using scorecard information to improve performance)
- Implementation issues
- Aligning strategy and work throughout the organization
- Collect, verify and validate performance data Transforming data into information
- Software options for managing performance information
- Developing an internal and external communication plan
- Cascading the scorecard throughout the organization
- Employee motivation
- Linking strategy to resource decisions
- Linking performance to rewards
- Scorecard roll out, training, and change management
- Using performance information to improve organization performance
Module 6: Next Steps: (Learning Objectives: Understand the challenges of integrating balanced scorecard systems with other enterprise-wide systems; overcoming challenges to implementation)
- Integrating the scorecard with other enterprise management systems
- Integrating the scorecard with other enterprise information systems
- Best practices
Module 7: Getting Your Scorecard On Track: (Learning Objectives: applying the BSC to your organization's needs; discuss company-specific issues)
- Overcoming obstacles and challenges within your organization
- Integrating the scorecard with other enterprise management and information systems
- The role of consultants
- Time and schedule estimates
- Develop an Action Plan based on your organization's readiness
Module 8: Evaluation to Assessment Best practices and terminology review related to Steps Nine and One of the Nine Steps to Success