Bowtie Risk Management and Mitigation

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Bowtie Risk Management and Mitigation Course
The Bowtie methodology serves as a valuable tool for risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. It offers a comprehensive framework for gaining a holistic understanding of the presence of specific risks and their relationship to organizational events. Furthermore, it provides a structured approach to systematically analyze hazards.
As the popularity of Bowtie analysis continues to grow, this program offers a thorough examination of its advantages, limitations, and practical applications. Participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in utilizing the technique through practical exercises.
The course begins by introducing the bowtie methodology and its key components. It then proceeds to critically evaluate the benefits, limitations, and practical uses of the method. Participants will engage in hands-on practice to develop their skills in applying the bowtie technique effectively.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Bowtie Risk Management and Migitation training course, participants will be able to:
- Understanding the terminology of risk assessment and the bowtie methodology
- Applying hazard identification techniques
- Creating simple bowtie risk models
- Using BowTieXP software to create more sophisticated bowtie risk models
- Applying metadata to risk controls to classify ownership, barrier type, effectiveness and more
- Applying risk estimation to the model
- Attaching audit information (using AuditXP) and actions to risk control barriers
- Analyze hazard scenarios by applying the bowtie method and designing a bowtie diagram
- Develop integrity assurance for bowtie barriers, eg in terms of HSE-critical tasks and/or
- HSE critical systems
- Devise risk acceptance criteria for hazards in bowtie
Who Should Attend?
This Bowtie Risk Management and Mitigation program is suitable for:
- Managers, engineers, operators, HSE advisors and risk management practitioners.
- Operations, QHSE (Quality, health, safety & environmental) Supervisors, management staff as well as SIMOPS (simultaneous operations) Coordinators.
Course Outlines:
Pre-assessment / introduction:
- Identify hazards, top events, threats, consequences, preventive and recovery barriers, escalation factors and escalation factor barriers
Discussion of Bowtie methodology key terms:
- Brief history and rise to popularity.
Risk Assessment related methods:
- Construct and label key components of a bowtie diagram by hand / puzzle exercises.
- The use of barriers and controls in management system documentation.
- Application of bowtie in managing hazards from operational activities.
Describe the Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP):
- Risk evaluation
- Overview of ALARP, ALARP in bowtie, puzzle exercises.
Risk Assessment implementation:
- Implementation, monitoring, revisions and change management.
Describe the relationship of bowtie diagrams to international organization for Standardization (ISO) 17776 and ISO 31000 standards:
- Bowtie reporting and outputs, diagram reporting, hazard register reporting.
Risk Assessment - Bowtie Post Assessment Test, Closing/Assessment/Evaluation:
- Identify hazards associated with working at height, dependence on equipment hazards.