Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System

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Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System Course
A performance management system plays a vital role in helping HR managers establish transparent and well-defined performance expectations for employees. By providing clear guidelines, employees can easily understand what is required of them in their roles. Additionally, this system enables managers to reinforce individual accountability, as employees are held responsible for meeting their goals and are empowered to evaluate their own performance.
The implementation of a performance management system creates a framework for effective communication between managers and employees. Through this system, managers can set realistic and measurable performance expectations, ensuring that employees have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and objectives. By establishing these expectations, employees are more likely to align their efforts with organizational goals, leading to improved productivity and performance.
Furthermore, a performance management system fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among employees. By setting specific goals and providing regular feedback, managers encourage employees to take responsibility for their own performance. This self-evaluation component allows individuals to reflect on their achievements, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps to enhance their skills and capabilities.
Course Objectives:
By the end of Designing & Implementing a Performance Management System Course you will be able to:
- List the phases of performance management cycle and describe the role of HR in each phase.
- Distinguish between different types and components of performance management systems.
- Design and develop a comprehensive performance management system.
- Organize and plan a successful implementation of a performance management system.
- Identify business requirements for performance management operating systems.
- Develop mandatory coaching and training sessions for managers and employees.
Who Should Attend?
This Designing & Implementing a Performance Management System Course ideal for:
- Human Resources professionals and other employees who are responsible for the design and implementation of performance management systems
- Managers and supervisors, present and aspiring, who want to manage employees in a way that is geared to better results.
Course Outlines:
The Role of Human Resources in Performance Management
- Definition and Purpose of Performance Management
- The Performance Management Cycle
- Role of HR in Different Phases
- Strategic and Administrative Role
- Tangible and In-Tangible Responsibilities
An Overview of Performance Management Systems
- Types of Performance Management Systems
- Graphic Rating Scales
- Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
- Management By Objectives
- Competency-Based
- 360-Degree Feedback
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Components and Building Blocks
- Trends in Organizations
- Uses and Applications of Performance Management Systems
Designing a Performance Management System
- System Prerequisites
- Developing Tangibles
- Objectives
- Key Performance Indicators
- Targets
- Defining Intangibles
- Competencies
- Values
- Behavioral Indicators
- Determining Weights and Percentage Score Ranges
- Developing Performance Appraisal Templates
Ensuring a Successful Implementation
- Pilot Implementation
- Potential Pitfalls and Improvements
- Marketing and Introducing the System Internally
- System Support and Evaluation
- Performance Management Operating Systems
- Drafting Business Requirements
Coaching Managers and Employees
- Coaching Managers on Developing Objectives
- Structure of a Coaching Session
- Structure of Appraisal Meetings
- Build the personal case for coaching.
- Establish some firm expectations.
- Teach coaching skills and put them to practice.
- Give a manager a coach.
- Reward the best coaches with the best jobs.
- Essential Coaching Skills / Qualities
- Differences Between Training and Coaching
- Coaching Styles Questionnaire
- Questioning Skills