EFQM: Internal Assessor Training

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EFQM: Internal Assessor Training Course
EFQM assessors represent a diverse array of organizations, spanning the private and public sectors, ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises to large global corporations, and covering industries, services, and the public sector. These assessors contribute a wealth of experience and knowledge to the assessment process.
This course is specifically designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to conduct internal assessments within their own organizations. The training program aims to develop the internal capability and expertise required to implement a self-assessment program effectively. Participants will receive personalized coaching and feedback throughout the training, ensuring optimal learning and growth.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the EFQM : Internal Assessor Training Course, you will learn:
- About various Self-assessment techniques, practice these tools and decide which is most suitable for your organization
- About The EFQM Excellence Model and its links to the Fundamental Concepts
- How to use different self-assessment tools
- Which option best suits your own organization
- How to practice interviewing and workshop techniques
- To effectively apply the RADAR to produce value-adding performance analyses
- analyze the ecosystem of an organization to provide context for an assessment
- identify relevant strategic themes for an organization and ask strategically important questions
- apply the EFQM diagnostic tools effectively
- prepare value-adding feedback for an organization
- behave in a professional and sensitive manner during an assessment
- identify relevant good practices
Who Should Attend?
The Internal Assessor Training is open to:
- Anyone who has a deep interest in the EFQM Excellence Model and the Assessment process. This course will help you perform a self-assessment in your own organization, and enable you to identify which tool is most suited to your organization.
Course Outlines:
The EFQM Excellence Model
- EFQM Excellence Model elements
- The fundamental concepts of excellence
- The EFQM Excellence Model criteria
- Structure of results criteria
- Structure of enablers criteria
- The RADAR concept
- Assessing using the model: fundamental concepts
Key information and strategic themes
- EFQM management document structure
- Key information – overview
- Strategic themes
- Examples on strategic themes
- Empowering people
- STIBL’s journey towards excellence
Applying the RADAR to enablers
- RADAR – enablers
- RADAR – approach
- RADAR – deployment
- RADAR – assessment and refinement
- RADAR questions to enablers
Applying RADAR to results
- RADAR results
- RADAR – relevance and usability
- RADAR – performance
- RADAR questions for results
Assessing using the EFQM Excellence Model
- What is the EFQM Excellence Matrix
- Explore EFQM Excellence Matrix
- Scoring enablers with the Matrix
- Scoring the results with the Matrix
- Examples of scoring (1 enabler & 1 result)
- Reflection and lessons learned
- Workshop approach
Site visit simulation
- Purpose of site visit simulation
- Example of site visit plan
- Planning the details
- Good interview practices
- The impact of RADAR on interviews
Writing feedback statements
- Preparing detailed feedback
- Feedback statements – enablers
- Poorly worded strength statements
- Well worded strength statements
- Poorly worded areas for improvement statements
- Well worded areas for improvement statements
- Feedback statements – results
- Poorly worded strength statements
- Well worded strength statements
- Poorly worded areas for improvement statements
- Well-worded areas for improvement statements
Scoring using RADAR
- The consensus and scoring process
- Feedback – scoring grids
- Scoring at criterion part level
- Scoring enablers
- Scoring results
- Scoring examples
Feedback reports
- Content of typical feedback report