Essential skills for HR professionals

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Essential skills for HR professionals Course
Embarking on an HR career requires resilience and fortitude. The role entails making critical hiring and termination decisions, safeguarding employee well-being, and managing highly confidential information. It is a profession that demands a unique set of skills and attributes.
While HR professionals are expected to possess a comprehensive understanding of HR practices and legislation, it is equally crucial for them to excel in the realm of soft skills. These interpersonal abilities are vital for success in the field, enabling HR professionals to effectively communicate, build relationships, and navigate complex organizational dynamics. The combination of technical expertise and strong soft skills is essential for thriving in the HR profession.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Essential skills for HR professionals training course, the participant will be able to:
- Understand communication and explain its importance to the work of HR professionals.
- Explains the main principles of business and report writing.
- Produce written HR correspondence and sample HR reports.
- Apply the basic skills of conflict resolution including influencing.
- Explain the importance of customer service in HR and the steps to build the required mindset.
- Apply basic coaching and counseling techniques in HR specific situations.
Who Should Attend?
Essential skills for HR professionals training course is ideal for:
- Human Resource Professionals as team leader, supervisory and middle management level wishing to advance their career
- Managers at all levels who wish to consolidate, refresh and reinforce their knowledge and skills
- Ideal for delegates who are intending to move into Human Resource management after a period of experience in line management
- Line Managers wishing to develop a more thorough understanding of the key Human Resource practices so that they can manage their team more effectively
Course Outlines:
Human Resources and Communication
- Definition of Communication
- Communication in HR
- Characteristics of an Effective HR Communicator
- Questioning Techniques
- Listening and Empathy
- Interviewing Techniques:
- The STAR Technique
- The FACT Technique
- The Probing Technique
- The Leading Technique
- Basics of Public Speaking
HR Business Communication and HR Report
- Basics of Business Writing
- Writing HR Reports
- Common Mistakes in Writing HR Correspondence and Reports
- Examples of HR Correspondence and Reports
Conflict Resolution: A Required Skill for HR Professionals
- Definition of Conflict
- Sources of Conflict in HR
- Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model
- Influencing Skills
- Practical Applications in HR
Client-Centric HR Departments
- Definition of Customer Service
- Internal Customers versus External Customers
- The Importance of Customer Service in HR
- HR Customers – Who Are They!
- Building a Customer Service Mentality in the HR Department
Coaching and Counselling Employees and Line Managers
- Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring
- Importance of Coaching and Counselling to HR Professionals
- Difference between Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring
- The 5 Principles of Coaching:
- Principle 1: Feedback
- Principle 2: Accountability
- Principle 3 Challenge
- Principle 4: Tension
- Principle 5: Systems
- The “TGROW” Model of a Super Coach (Topic, Goal, Reality, Options, Will)
Emotional Intelligence (EI): The Base for Honing HR Professional Competencies
- Definition of Emotional Intelligence
- Self-Awareness and Self-Management
- The Importance of EI for HR Professionals
- Developing EI Competencies
- Daily Applications in the HR Environment