Excellence in Warehouse Management and Operation
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Excellence in Warehouse Management and Operation Course
Warehouse management is a multifaceted and intricate discipline that encompasses the oversight of all activities and processes within a warehouse environment. It plays a vital role in overall supply chain operations, including logistics, inventory management, asset tracking, and numerous other responsibilities.
For businesses reliant on warehousing, the role of the warehouse manager holds immeasurable value and significance.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the Excellence In Warehouse Management and Operation training course, you should be able to:
- The main function of warehouses in today’s modern business structure
- The equipment found in warehouses and how technology supports it
- The processes often used in warehouses for maximum flow
- State the primary objectives of a warehouse.
- State why criteria for assessing warehouse is important.
- Understand the objectives of inventory management
- Start ABC inventory control & analysis.
- Comprehend inventory’s role in service organizations.
Who Should Attend?
Excellence In Warehouse Management and Operation Training course, is ideal for:
- Managers from operations/process, maintenance and the supply chain.
- Warehouse operations
- Customer service
- Record accuracy
- Staff relations
- Safety management
- Warehouse auditing
Course Outlines:
The Role of Warehousing and Stores
- Warehousing and the supply chain.
- Training topics.
- Definitions.
- Strategic aspects of warehousing.
- Customers.
- The value chains.
- Warehouse location.
- Modern warehouse operations.
- World-class warehousing.
- Conclusion.
Inventory, Stock Analysis and Classifying Products
- Product classification.
- Demand analysis.
- ABC analysis.
- Product coding.
- Product handling groups.
- Inventory management: why hold stock?
- Inventory costs and service.
- Lead time.
- Demand forecasting.
- Inventory and statistics.
- How much stock should be held?
- Replenishment methods.
- Questions about inventory.
Stock Control
- Stock inaccuracy.
- Continuous or periodic stock checking.
- Stock control.
- Security and preventing loss.
- Information security.
- Training topics.
The Warehouse and Operational Principles
- Warehouse structure.
- Warehouse operations.
- Receiving.
- Location methods in the warehouse.
- Picking options.
- Customer orders.
- Methods of picking.
- Dispatching activity.
- Organizing for flow.
- Fork-lift trucks.
- Racking/shelving.
- The aisle width decision.
Warehouse Information Communications Technology
- Importance of information.
- Decision-making and ICT.
- Improvements with ICT.
- Warehouse ICT applications.
- Systems implementation.
- Health and safety at work.
- Management of health and safety.
- Health and safety arrangements.
- Warehouse health and safety risks.
- Risk assessments.
- Fork-lift trucks: health and safety.
Productivity, Cost and Service
- Framework for analysis.
- Key costs.
- Key productivity drivers.