HR For Business

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HR For Business Course
The Human Resources (HR) department holds significant importance within any organization, particularly in today's rapidly evolving global business landscape. To stay relevant, HR professionals must cultivate new capabilities that align with the changing dynamics of the business environment.
To effectively develop HR capabilities that support the company's business strategy, it is crucial to comprehend the key factors driving that strategy. This course sheds light on market forces and emerging trends that are expected to shape business strategies, as well as the transformation of HR, in the coming months and years.
By gaining insights into these influential factors, HR professionals can proactively adapt their practices and contribute to the strategic success of the organization. This course serves as a valuable platform for understanding and navigating the evolving business landscape, enabling HR professionals to drive meaningful HR transformation aligned with the broader business objectives.
Course Objectives:
By the end of HR For Business training course, you will understand:
- Empowerment, what it means and how to achieve results that are measurable.
- Recruitment and Retention – finding and keeping successful people is becoming increasingly difficult. The new techniques for recruitment will significantly improve you chances of getting the best people.
- Performance Management – Master how to do it and more importantly get the tools to be able to measure accurately the results.
- The Use of Behavioral Competencies – You will be able to us a new process to measure and manage competencies and will see the new formula for valuing competency improvement.
- Work Organization – practices such as self-managed teams and work partnerships are needed to encourage creativity and innovation – we will show you how to do it.
- Equal Opportunities –Its impact for multinational companies.
- Employee Relations – Master motivation and see how a new focus in performance appraisal can transform result and improve productivity.
- Communications, Consultation and Involvement – Methods you can use to get amazing results.
Who Should Attend?
This HR For Business training course is for you if:
- You have got experience as an HR business, but wish to evolve your skillset or develop a broader approach
- You are from a center of expertise and need to understand it from an HR perspective
- You want to shift the way you operate further along the continuum from HR manager to a business partner and increase the value you add to your stakeholders
- You need to get a ‘seat at the table’ and be more confident, credible, and influential at the pan-organizational level
- You are looking to be more strategic, commercially savvy and less operational and transactional
Course Outlines:
The requirement for Change in Way of Working
- Understanding how the business world is changing
- Understanding the need for a change
- The strategic requirement –new demands - new HR tools
- Understanding the importance of leadership in management
- Understanding the recruitment and retention process
- Understanding the key success areas to support retention and the Review process
Performance Management, Behavior and Importance of Culture
- Importance of setting a benchmark for performance management
- Methods for setting targets
- Methods for measuring performance
- Concept of “The psychological contract vs what happens in work place”
- Understanding the corporate culture
- Coaching and counselling
Suggestions for Competency at Work
- Understand and analyze the right working size of an organization
- Techniques for Human Capital Management
- Importance of competency at work and suggestive methods
Rights Versus Responsibilities
- Understanding the terminology of rights vs responsibilities
- Understanding the importance of employee relations
- Discussion of the line manager’s roles
- Understanding who is responsible for what?
- The principle of differentiation and how to manage grievances and equal opportunities
Future of HR
- Discussion on the industrial democracy
- New structure of HR and the future of HR
- Discussion on the importance of keeping competent people
- Discussion on the roles of “Communications, Consultation and Involvement”
- Review of the work and “Question and Answer session”