Investment Performance Analysis

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Investment Performance Analysis Course
In today's world, financial matters have become increasingly prominent in the media, making it essential for business professionals to possess a broad understanding of finance. This knowledge enables them to actively participate in daily decision-making processes and engage in discussions surrounding financial issues.
The course at hand is specifically tailored for individuals who do not have a financial background. This intensive program aims to educate and inform participants about the fundamental aspects of financial markets, products, as well as potential risks and challenges.
By the end of this course, attendees will gain valuable insights into the workings of financial markets, familiarize themselves with various financial products, and develop an understanding of potential risks and hazards. Equipped with this knowledge, non-financial personnel will be better prepared to contribute effectively to their organizations, confidently navigate financial discussions, and make informed decisions.
Join us in this comprehensive program to expand your financial acumen and be equipped with the necessary tools to actively engage in financial matters in your professional endeavors.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Investment Performance Analysis Course, learners will be able to do:
- What are the major market indices and how are they linked?
- What is meant by a dual listing?
- How is a forward rate determined?
- Can I profit from interest differentials?
- What is the role of correlation in reducing risk?
- How do I judge whether my performance in the market is good or bad?
- What are futures and options?
- How can futures and options be used to protect the value of my portfolio?
- What is meant by spread trading?
- What is the role of bonds in a portfolio?
- The difference between fundamental and technical analysis.
Who Should Attend?
The course is a broad-based one covering a variety of financial products in the world’s financial markets. Senior Managers with backgrounds in non-finance disciplines will find that the course greatly enhances their vocabulary and awareness of financial products. Junior and middle managers who would like to gain product knowledge before moving into a treasury or risk management role in an organization would also benefit. It would also interest individuals wishing to expand their own financial knowledge to assist them in managing their own investment portfolios.
Course Outlines:
An Introduction to the Financial Markets
An Introduction to the Equity Markets:
- IPO’s
- Market Indices
- International Equity Market Links
- Dual Listings
- GDR’s and ADR’s
An Introduction to Bond Markets
- Long Term versus Short Term
- Treasury versus Corporate
- Types of Bond
An Introduction to the FX Market
- The spot and forward market
- Exchange Rate trends and linkages
- Carry Trades
An Introduction to Portfolio Theory
- The link between risk and return.
- The role of correlation
- The Markowitz model of Portfolio Risk
- The benefits of diversification
- The Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Benchmarking
Derivatives Use in Investment Management
An Introduction to the Derivatives Market
- Futures
- Options
The Cost of carrying Model
- Cash and carry arbitrage
- Reverse cash and carry arbitrage
Using Options to provide portfolio insurance
Using Futures to provide portfolio insurance
Using futures to change a portfolios “beta”
Spread trading:
- Intra-commodity spreads
- Intra-commodity spreads
- Option trading strategies.
Bond Portfolio Management
- Bond pricing
- Bond Duration
- The term structure of interest rates
- The convexity of a bond
- Bond ratings
- Immunizing a bond portfolio
- Structured products
- Money Market Deposits/CD’s/Commercial Paper/Treasury Bills
Fundamental and Technical Analysis
- Technical versus fundamental analysis
- Yields and ratios
- Valuation
- Chartism
- Technical Trading Rules