Strategic Digital Marketing Training
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Strategic Digital Marketing Training Course
The distinction between online and offline is blurring for consumers and businesses alike. Nowadays, consumers are more tech-savvy and interconnected, seeking personalized, relevant, and convenient products and information. They also expect consistency across digital channels. Our Strategic Digital Marketing training course aims to provide a practical understanding and application for establishing a cohesive online presence. By ensuring a consistent message across all digital platforms, we help businesses develop more effective marketing strategies and achieve measurable return on investment (ROI).
Course Objectives:
At the end of the Strategic Digital Marketing Training course, you will be able to :
- Learn how to identify digital marketing technologies and digital tools that are right for your organization
- Insight into the use of emerging digital channels and technologies in marketing
- The skills to effectively analyze and leverage data to make impactful data-driven decisions
- An integrated digital marketing strategy based on your own organizational context
- Understand how to use content, mobile, and influencer marketing to target customers more effectively
- Learn how to develop analytics to measure the impact, effectiveness, and ROI of your digital marketing strategy
- Understand the power of testing and targeting in digital marketing
- Know how to integrate digital marketing with your offline strategies and traditional media
- Learn how to determine the skill sets required for your own digital initiatives
Who Should Attend?
Strategic Digital Marketing Training course, is ideal for :
- professional or business owner who wishes to learn more about the “real-world” elements of digital marketing while minimizing the overwhelm associated with implementing actionable digital marketing.
- Anyone applying for a digital marketing role and are looking to boost their CV
- Branding / Sales / Marketing Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Startups
Course Outlines:
What is Digital Marketing?
- What is Internet Marketing?
- Popular Strategies
- Affiliate Programs
- E-mail Marketing
- Using Social Media
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing
- What is Social Media?
- Understanding the Marketing Mix
- The Five P’s and Social Media
- Developing a Social Media Plan
- Utilization Guidelines
- Expanding Your Digital Presence
- What’s the Value?
- Building Your Community
- Using LinkedIn
- Setting Up Your Account
Creating Digital Marketing Plan
This unit covers the following key topics:
- The Role of Internet Marketing
- The Marketing Cycle
- Making Our Way through the Marketing Process
- Extending Your Influence
Creating a PPC Campaign
- Setting Your PPC Budget
- The Quality Score
- Quality Score Breakdown
- Increasing Your Score
Using Google AdWords
- Planning
- Define Your Ideal Customer
- Choosing Keywords
- Getting Good with Keywords
- Long Tail and Short Tail
- Understanding Ad Groups
E-Mail Marketing
This unit covers the following key topics:
- A Cautionary Note
- Distribution Services
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- What is SEO?
- Understanding Search
- The Search Engines
- Alternative Search
- Optimizing Keywords
- Monitoring Search Engine Ranking
An Introduction to Brand Building through Social Media
- What is Branding?
- Building Your Social Media Branding Strategy
- Identifying Your Social Media Audience
- The Key Social Media Platforms