The Complete Course of Islamic Banking And Finance

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The Complete Course of Islamic Banking And Finance Course
Islamic finance, while sharing similarities with the traditional financial system, operates through different mechanisms that have proven to be more viable during challenging economic times compared to conventional banking.
The comprehensive Islamic Banking and Finance course aims to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamental principles, modes, norms, and basic models of Islamic banking and finance. It also explores the relationship between Islamic and conventional banks.
The course covers a wide range of topics, including the prohibition of Riba (interest), Islamic financial contracts, the Islamic capital market, Islamic microfinance models, Islamic insurance, and other contemporary issues relevant to Islamic finance.
Additionally, the course addresses real-world challenges faced by Muslims when dealing with conventional banking, such as dilemmas related to banking loans, overdrafts, mortgages, and insurance.
By the end of the course, participants will have gained comprehensive knowledge and insights into Islamic banking and finance, enabling them to navigate the principles and practices of this specialized field.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the complete Course of Islamic Banking And Finance training Course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the definition of riba as per classical texts
- Understand the main principles and terms of Islamic finance
- Compare and contrast between Conventional (western) and Islamic finance
- Be able to distinguish between various Islamic financial products
- Learn the volume and figures of Islamic financial market
- Identify whether riba is present or not in any given banking transaction.
- Understand the ways in which Islamic banks avoid riba in their daily financial transactions.
- Realize the difference between balance sheets of Islamic and conventional banks.
- Understand and respond to the doubts raised on Islamic financial systems.
Who Should Attend?
The complete Course of Islamic Banking and Finance is ideal for:
- Bankers
- Finance professionals
- General people or customers dealing with Banks
- Customers of Islamic Banks
- Islamic Finance Critics
- Central Bankers
- Both beginners and those with a good understanding of Islamic finance.
Course Outlines:
Islamic Economics – Key Principles
- Defining Islamic Economics
- Introduction to Islamic Economics
- Key Principles
- Islamic Economics and Muslim Countries
- The economic philosophy of Islam vis-a-vis Interest
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism And Islamic Economics System
- Key Distinguishing Features
- Distribution of Wealth – Key Objectives in Islam
- Islamic perspective of distribution of wealth
- Factors of Production in Islam
- The Capitalist, Socialist and Communist Views
- Socialism and Islam
- Capitalism and Islam
- Communism and Islam
- Islamic Economics System
Major Prohibitions and Key Principles
- Prohibition of Riba in the Quran and Sunnah
- Riba and its Types
- Definition of Riba (Interest & Usury)
- Classification of Riba
- Riba An Nasiyah
- Riba Al Fadl
- Commercial Interest and Usury
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Formulation of Gharar (uncertainty) and Maysir (chance and gambling)
Islamic Contract and Valid Sale Agreement
- Key Conditions
- Unilateral Promise (Wa’da)
- Bilateral Promise (Muwa’adah or Muahaidah)
- Contract (Aqd)
- Elements of a valid sale
- Valid SALE
- Void/ Non Existing Sale ( Batil) Sale
- Existing sale but void due to defect (Bai Fasid)
- Valid but disliked sale (Bai Makrooh)
- Types of Sale
- Prohibited Sale Transactions
- Five Options
Conventional Banking System – An Overview
- Key Terms
- Conventional Banking System – History
- Conventional Banking System -How it works
- Key Global Financial Institutions
- Key Sharia Issues
Islamic Banking System – An Overview
- Islamic Banking System – History
- Key Characteristics
- Islamic Banking System -How it works
- Leading Islamic Banks
- Key Shariah Issues
- Islamic banking and conventional banking – A comparison
Islamic Banking and Islamic Financial Modes – Key Contracts
- Islamic Modes of Financing – Key Modes of Financing
- Murabaha
- Musharakah
- Mudharabah
- Ijarah